Saturday, March 19, 2011

Buy Facebook stock without being a billionaire - through a mutual fund

Goldman Sachs' controversial Facebook investment offering in January was out of the reach of most investors, but at least one mutual fund has been able to grab hold of some shares of the social networking company for its shareholders. At the end of 2010, Dennis Lynch and his team of growth managers quietly added small stakes in Facebook Class B common stock to all of their large-cap-oriented funds. For a relatively reasonable initial minimum investment of $1,000, now all investors can get a small slice of Facebook via  Morgan Stanley Focus Growth (AMOAX

AMOAX) or  Morgan Stanley Capital Opportunities (CPOAX

CPOAX). The table at the end of this article summarizes the amount of Facebook stock that each of Lynch's funds held as of Dec. 31, 2010.

Turns out Morgan Stanley has been able to get a good chunk of Facebook stock - at a $35bn valuation last year. If you want to play and don't have the billions required to go through Goldman, here's your chance to own a piece of Zuckerberg's next big IPO.

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