Friday, December 23, 2011

More Digital Predictions for 2012

Here are Say Media's predictions for 2012 - alongside my comments

1. Access Trumps Ownership In the wake of Steve Jobs' passing and our subsequent obsession with quantifying his impact on society, one thing became clear: a new generation has emerged that is wholly influenced by the device-driven access Apple products provide. They're called the iGeneration and they are redefining the reigns of ownership in startling new ways. This newest generation is detaching itself from the identity-defining sense of ownership their forebears embraced and converting to an almost pure consumption model. What they're teaching us is that it's all about the experience and the interface: the ability to access, share, discuss and move on. 

2. Death of the Daily Deal We loved that daily deals like Gilt made online shopping sporting … for a while. Then lots of people did it. And we realized that we weren't always getting that great of a deal and that being a slave to the deal was more a hassle than anything else. Turns out, what we really value in modern retail - taste and curation - is not the stuff that fills our mailboxes with reminders of an empty addiction to stuff. 

3. It's All About the Device This year everyone is joining Apple in the hardware business - Amazon, Google, B&N, and soon Facebook. When the world goes mobile, just having a site or app is not enough. The only reliable way to guarantee access to the consumer now is to control the whole stack. See the battle take shape when Siri moves in front of search on all Apple products, or the new Bing lead navigation experiences on the xBox

4. Social Networks Can Thrive Outside of Facebook While the Like button is ubiquitous and Facebook dominates world-wide time on site metrics, 2011 demonstrated that social applications can survive - and even thrive - outside of Facebook. Instagram, the iPhone-only photo sharing application, went from zero to 10 million users in under a year. Path pivoted with version 2.0 of their service, and ignited user growth even while ostensibly competing with Facebook on the core "use cases" of status updates, photo sharing and location check-ins. The key to success for these apps? First, focus on the user experience. And then don't fight Facebook directly, but leverage it: connect to help users find their friends, and then post from the app back to Facebook to help drive awareness with the later adopters. 

5. The Return of Editorial Design HTML was the worst thing to happen to the art of editorial design. And it's taken 15 years to turn the ship around. Thanks to HTML 5, the iPad and the Apple SDK, 2011 was a year of real progress. Just check out The Verge. Or Fast Company's Co Design. We love the craft in the Path iPhone app. And BusinessWeek makes the magazine tablet experience a joy. We can't wait to show you our latest when the new Remodelista debuts in January.

What did you learn in 2011? Tell us in the comments on our blog.

This is the SAY newsletter, delivered weekly, featuring our take on media, culture, venn diagrams and the occasional look back. Forward it to your friends, because sharing is caring.

This week's SAY: Faves

Marc Andreesen: Predictions for 2012 (and beyond) (cnet)
YouTube in 2011: The Top 10 Videos (Silicon Angle)
Remodelista Gift Guides: Last-Minute Gifts for Everyone (Remodelista)
Mediashift on the ReadWriteWeb Acquisition (SAYDaily)
xoJane Exclusive: Pics of Courtney Love's Amazing Townhouse (xoJane)
Honestly...WTF: All Kinds of Awesome (



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