Monday, July 18, 2011

lessons from the silicon alley 2011 golf invitational #SAGI11

Today i had the privilege to play golf with about 60 fellow NYC Internet entrepreneurs and a Californian golf pro Huey Lewis whose claim to fame is having secured $15k for a movie about becoming a pro on Kickstarter:

Some quick observations from the NYC Internet crowd:

- everyone is alive and kicking and there's lots of activity, especially in the ad tech space (RTB, SSP, CPC, MDC, et al)
- Android seems to be getting a headstart on Iphone with this crowd - but blackberries can still be found
- Twitter is passe with the Internet exec crowd - only about 10 tweets during the event
- Scramble lets everyone win on the golf course!

Looking forward to 2012 or maybe a rematch in 2011!

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