Saturday, March 12, 2011

SXSW 2011 highlights - the first twelve hours

Got into Austin last night and attending my first SXSW; if you read this, I'm looking for partners to distribute quality video, people who produce great entertainment/lifestyle/fashion content and great new technologies.

now for the highlights:

- all airports should be like Austin: quick, $20 cab ride, friendly

- 80F weather rocks

- Blackberry is dead - at least with the Digital crowd; someone looked at mine last night almost commiserating me for my 12 months old "vintage" device

- and Foursquare are hot here, if you aren't on there here, you'll be missing out

- Collaboration is key: everyone is making intros and very helpful

- Inofficial events are just as good (or better) as official ones)

- If I went back to college, i'd try to swing a semester in Austin.


Time to roll

Posted via email from digbits's posterous


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