Thursday, June 17, 2010

Microsoft Xbox blows big opportunity - ESPN not available for Time Warner Cable customers et al

(Credit: screen cap by Jeff Bakalar)

Monday we told you about Microsoft's ESPN on Xbox Live announcement made at the company's E3 press conference. The service allows Gold Xbox Live members to access content from the ESPN3 portal and stream live and on-demand sporting events right to their consoles.

Unfortunately, a major caveat reveals that not everyone with an Xbox 360 and Gold membership will be able to enjoy the content. According to and the press release announcing the partnership with Microsoft, only certain Xbox 360 owners with participating ISPs will be able to receive the streams.

Xbox Live Gold members who have high-speed Internet service from an affiliated service provider will enjoy more than 3,500 live sporting events from's 24-7 broadband sports network.

Among the people this affects are New York City area Time Warner Cable and Cablevision subscribers. For a complete list of participating ISPs to see whether you'll be left in the dark, check out ESPN's list here.

I just got excited about getting ESPN3 on my Xbox/TV (I don't have cable) - alas, ESPN is hiding behind their existing cable partners - and Microsoft didn't have the balls to get them to change it - so no TWC customers can watch ESPN on their Xbox....

Posted via web from digbits's posterous


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