Thursday, June 28, 2007

1 day to go until the Iphone comes out!

Great little video review by the New York Times. I'm finally converted and will try to get one myself - any ideas how to do that?

Also check out the hilarious listings for Iphone Waiting Services on ebay today!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Cellfish is on Techcrunch today!

Cheers to Duncan Reilly for covering today - and thanks to all the people who are commenting already. As some of you might know I've joined Cellfish about two months ago and am excited to get good coverage from such a premier tech news source. If any other bloggers read this and want to learn more about cellfish - please contact me.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Stop the lawmakers - a day of silence for online/web radio

The letter below by founder Tim Westergreen is posted today on

As a daily Pandora listener I totally side with Pandora, Yahoo Radio and all other affected stations - webradio is a fantastic service that shouldn't be killed by Clear Channel, CBS or other lobbyists. Go ahead and call your congressman!

A Day of Silence

Hi, it's Tim from Pandora,

I'm sorry to say that today Pandora, along with most Internet radio sites, is going off the air in observance of a Day Of Silence. We are doing this to bring to your attention a disastrous turn of events that threatens the existence of Pandora and all of internet radio. We need your help.

Ignoring all rationality and responding only to the lobbying of the RIAA, an arbitration committee in Washington DC has drastically increased the licensing fees Internet radio sites must pay to stream songs. Pandora's fees will triple, and are retroactive for eighteen months! Left unchanged by Congress, every day will be like today as internet radio sites start shutting down and the music dies.

A bill called the "Internet Radio Equality Act" has already been introduced in both the Senate (S. 1353) and House of Representatives (H.R. 2060) to fix the problem and save Internet radio--and Pandora--from obliteration.

I'd like to ask you to call your Congressional representatives today and ask them to become co-sponsors of the bill. It will only take a few minutes and you can find your Congresspersons and their phone numbers by entering your zip code here.

Your opinion matters to your representatives - so please take just a minute to call.

Visit to continue following the fight to Save Internet Radio.

As always, and now more than ever, thank you for your support.

-Tim Westergren
(Pandora founder)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Preorder your pleo now!

Finally it's available - the Pleo will be shipped October 15th. I expect this to be one of the hottest geek toys of the holiday season - get yours now by going here. I love the groan and the little video!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Speedy Tomato

See what actually happens when you throw a tomato in a blender. Great video.

What a dolphin

Rihanna is so hot right now

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Available for a Roshambull Challenge

Trying out the new Red Bull facebook widget - challenge me here

Productivity Porn and Structured Procrastination

I must admit I have a certain faible for productivity enhancements and my personal favorites so far are David Allen (esp. getting things done), Web Worker Daily and Dumb Little Man.
Marc Andreesen has put together a great overview of his personal productivity tips and enlightened me with the great new phrase Structured Procrastination by Stanford Philosophy professor John Perry. Read the article when you get a chance. His best advice (at least for me) is to check emails and voicemail only twice a day instead of every 5 minutes - will try to honor this starting today and see whether it works for me.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Too many plastic bags at Fairway

This morning i went shopping for dinner at my local Fairway on the Upper West Side. It's a fantastic grocery store for those who haven't been but it's also a big distributor of plastic bags as you can see below. Mayor Bloomberg should take a page out of the San Francisco book and ban plastic bags.

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Friday, June 01, 2007

Munich the beautiful

Yes, I'm proud to be from Munich - enjoy this neat video about my home town:

My Personal DNA

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